About Us

Kristle, David and two of  their four children, live in Kent Washington, just south of Seattle. Willow and I at 2007 national They have been involved in the sport of purebred dogs since 1987 and acquired their first PWD in October of 2005 from Pouch Cove.

Kristle is an accountant and also grooms dogs part time. She continues to love showing her dogs in the breed ring as well as getting their working titles.

David is an aircraft electrician at Boeing. He continues to support Kristle and the girls, both financially and emotionally, in their dog show endeavors.




Willow & Natasha having fun in the breed ring 2012 PWDCA National



Natasha qualified for both the Eukanuba National Classic and Westminster while she was in Junior Showmanship.  She received the NCA award for Top Junior Handler of the year, two years in a row. She also won The Best Junior Handler at the NCA National – two years running.  Natasha was ranked in the top 10 Junior Handlers in the Working group and Sporting Group as well as the top 10 Junior Handlers in individual breeds: Newfoundlands, Portuguese Water Dogs and Pointers. Natasha for years worked for several different professional handlers and breeders in both the States and Australia. Natasha currently lives in Colorado working as a spirits distributor.  She continues to show our dogs as well as client dogs.


Seth graduated from the University of Washington and is working towards getting his dream job.


hana and bullet best jr ad for 2013 pwdca national


Hana is a Senior in High School and continues to show our  Newfoundlands and Portuguese Water Dogs in the Open Senior class of Junior Showmanship – as well as in the breed ring.  Hana is currently ranked #1 Junior Handler in PWD and #5 Junior Handler in Newfoundlands.  Hana won Best Junior Handler at the 2013 PNWPWDC Regional Specialty as well as the 2013 PWDCA National Specialty. Hana is currently working for Professional Handlers – Kevin and Diane Chestnut where she not only gets their client dogs ready for the ring but shows the client dogs in breed and the group ring.



Bryce is in Middle School and like his older brother has chosen not to be involved in showing the dogs.

The family would like to give a big thank you to Peggy Helming and Milan Lint of Pouch Cove Portuguese Water Dogs for entrusting them with such wonderful animals. Their continued support and mentor-ship has been invaluable.

Brood bitch 2013 pwdca national - kristle natasha and hana

Kristle and David are members of the:

Portuguese Water Dog Club of America

Pacific Northwest Portuguese Water Dog Club, where Kristle serves on the board and is the show chair for their regional specialty.

Newfoundland Club of America

Newfoundland Club of Seattle, where Kristle serves on the Board and chaired several events.